Saturday, March 19, 2011

Will We Fit?

In what seems like moments, my lifes memories will be nothing more than a reflection in my rearview mirror.  I will be leaving my hometown of 30 years and jumping states to a place I barely know.  Along for the ride will be my two precious sons, one six years old and the other eight.  Ready for the grand adventure, my two boys eagerly anticipate being reunited with their father who has been out of state working for several weeks.  I to cant wait to be scooped up into the arms of the man I have loved for over 12 years, and to live our lives as a family unit once more.

As I ponder our future home, anxiety arrises in my heart begging to be dealt with.  Will we fit somewhere?  For there are two facts about my family that are strikingly different than the status quo family picture.  First, my amazingly handsome, hardworking, respectable husband was shot in the head by a cold hearted criminal, and hit by a Harley causing a leg amputation a few years prior to our romance.  Second, our outragously funny, musically gifted, kick in the pants eight year old son was born with the diagnosis of Down Syndrome as well as a heart condition.  I love my famiy with all my heart!  God has opened my eyes to see the precous gift he created when he hand picked my family and unified us.  He planted us in a church that loves our precious son and respects the relationship with Christ that my husband has.  We have been blessed with friends old and new that have walked with our family through medical trauma's as well as the ups and downs of family life.  Our community has educational opportunities that have been a blessing to my son.  And yet there have been those who have fallen away from our life for a lack of understanding or an inability to see beyond the physical to the amazing character and ability that my family possesses in Christ Jesus. 

As I write, a thankfulness begins to rise up in my soul for my Lord Jesus Christ and his view of those that dont fit the pattern of this world.  Jesus always saw past appearance in a way that truly defies this worlds systems.  From the recovered prostitute, to the privately vile politician, from the valiantly healthy but rebelous, to the lepor or the blind man who sought after him with thier whole heart, Christ saw the intentions of those he ministered to and touched the humble in a special way. 

I am truly blessed and thankful for all those dear to my heart who have chosen to view my family through the eyes of Christ.  Who got to know my son who has Down Syndrome as a child and not a diagnosis.  Who patiently included him in the body of Christ, who endured the pain of hospital stays with us, who embraced my son in a rigorous christian education program and those who both gave and recieved the blessing of loyal friendship and sincere ministry from my amazing husband.

 So as I cast my anxiety upon the Lord it can not stand to haunt me any longer, for the same Christ who provided the life my family has known till now, will continue to do so in the vast extended family of Christ who reside in the place where our new adventure and mission resides.  Praise be to God for providing a place for us to "fit" no matter who or where we are!!!


  1. Amen Sister!!!
    We love you and will miss you SO much!
    I can believe that Jesus is saying to you "Well done, My Servant" you follow His gentle leading....unto a perfected plan He unfolds to you bit by bit, and at just the right timing.
    Blessings to you.

  2. Oh Alisha - we will be praying for you as you all embark on this great adventure! I love your sweet family so much. I wish you were coming HERE to live - we would make sure you were welcomed and loved on! But many hugs to you... remember God is in control - he knows you and your family. He will be your strength as you live through this. Give a hug to everyone. Kay Merket

  3. Alisha, you have a wonderful way with words, articulating your thoughts very clearly. Southern Oregon will miss you - Eastern WA will be blessed to have you.
