Sunday, June 12, 2011


The time has come to finish packing all of my families belongings and say goodbye to all that I have known of life since birth.  I am leaving my hometown in just a few short days to be reunited with my husband who has found work four months ago in a different state.  My heart leaps for joy at the thought of this season of separation coming to an end.  However feelings of sadness also accompany my soul as I say farewell to dear friends, close family and a community of well known faces.  My weary soul has found its burdains lifted by Christ so many times during this trial.  I have felt the physical, emotional and spiritual fatigue of caring for two small boys alone. I have fallen asleep on a pillow dappened with my tears of frustration.  My body has ached for a hug from my husband. Discouragement has tried to make its home in my heart everytime I wasnt able to make things perfect.  Yet I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for this trial.  I am able to count it joy, because for every need my husband was unable to fill during his absence, Christ Jesus himself filled!  When my physical, emotional and spiritual cup were emptied Jesus filled it up under the faucet of prayer.  When I fell asleep in tears, I woke up in the Lords new mercies.  When I longed for the arms of my husband to wrap around me and bring comfort, the Lord wrapped his arms around my soul and brought a peace that surpassed understanding.  When I felt discouraged about a lack of perfection, Christ gave me strength to do my best and in his grace took care of the rest.  Yes it has been a joy to meet Jesus in a deeper more dependant way.  Im now a stronger person because of this trial and ready to serve him in more ways than ever before.  I have a much deeper appreciation for my husband and children and also for the body of Christ who God has aslo used as the visible deliverers of the unseen to my life.  There were times when I would say a silent prayer to the Lord that I just needed a break and a friend would ask if they could watch the boys for a bit while I went for a jog! And that is just a single example of Gods grace that shined so brightly during this seemingly dark time in my life.  So if you are going through a trial of any kind right now, choose to obey Christ, not emotions or the patterns of this world, and watch and see the Lord show up in your firey furnace and supply all of your needs!